Program No. 02/2020 (Item No.1.2,3,4,5&6 )



(Category No.237/2018,007/2019,008/2019, 021/2019, 022/2019, 135/2017)


1. Cooperation and other economic systems- Capitalism, socialism, and communismcooperatives and other forms of business organizations- distinctive features of
cooperative organization vis-à-vis-, partnership, and joint stack companies- a cooperative
as an institution and as an enterprise- cooperative commonwealth.

2. Evolution and development of cooperative principles- principles of cooperationRochdale pioneers (I stage)- reformulated principles by ICA (II stage)- Karve Committee
on Cooperative Principles(III stage)- Principles of ICA in 1995( IV stage)- a distinction
between Cooperative values and cooperative principles.

3. Types of Cooperatives in India and in Kerala
(i) Short term and medium term cooperative credit structure- primary agricultural credit
societies- urban cooperative Banks and state cooperative Banks, 
(ii) Long term credit
structure-PCARDBs and SCRABDs 
(iii) General Purpose and special purpose
agricultural marketing societies- primary marketing societies and their federations
including NAFED, rubber marketing societies and their federations, a dairy cooperative
societies and their federations, fishery cooperatives and their federations 
(iv) processing cooperatives-need and importance 
(v) Housing cooperatives and their federations
(vi) Consumer cooperatives and their federations 
(vii) Industrial cooperatives and their federations- handlooms and power looms, coir, handicrafts 
(viii) Workers cooperatives – the significance of workers cooperatives in Kerala.

4. Management and working of major cooperative organizations and institutions in aid of cooperatives- NAFED, IFFCO, KRIBCO, NABARD, NDDB, NCDC, and National Housing Bank and other national organizations providing assistance to housing cooperatives.

5. Cooperative audit- Definition-objectives-scope-advantage-difference between audit of
cooperative societies and joint-stock companies- special features of cooperative audit administrative set up for cooperative audit-types of audit-mechanical audit-preparations
for audit and framing of audit program-staged of practical audit- mechanical audit,
administrative audit, preparation of final statement- the reconciliation of bank account cooperative auditor- duties, powers, and liabilities- audit report- audit certificate- audit
classification- assessment, and levy of audit fees.

6. Issues in cooperative management- Managing the social process in a cooperative,
competition, conflict and cooperation. The associative character of a cooperative and
managing a cooperative association. Issues in organizing a cooperative - the size of the
organization- small area vs large area, single-purpose vs multipurpose cooperative multipurpose vs multifunctional cooperatives- unitary vs federal cooperatives- designer vs
greenhouse cooperatives- issues in financing a cooperative- evaluating a cooperative
organization- member dimension, enterprise dimension, and ethical dimension.

7 Settlement of disputes- arbitration and awards- provisions and procedures- execution
and enforcement of awards- provisions and procedures, appeals, review, and revision meaning and distinction- the authority of appeals- cooperative tribunal- constitution and
powers- offenses and penalties- provisions and procedures.

8. Sources of funds- State aid to cooperatives-share capital contribution- principle state
partnership fund- subsidiary state partnership fund- grants- subsidies- owned funds borrowed funds.

9. Cooperative Legislation in India and in Kerala- Evolution of cooperative legislation
in India- the 1904 Act, the Act of 1912, transfer of cooperation as a provincial subject,
National development Council Resolution 1956, the Model Cooperative Societies Bill
1957, the Model Cooperative Societies Bill 1991 by Planning Commission- Trend towards
parallel Cooperative Laws- Andhra Pradesh Mutually Aided Cooperative Societies Act
1995, Multi-State Cooperative Societies Act 1984 and its replacement in 2002.Evolutions
of Cooperative legislation in Kerala and enactment of Kerala Cooperative Societies Act


1. Commercial Banking: Origin of the word ‘Bank’. Commercial banking system: Unit
banking, branch banking, correspondent banking, group banking/ holding company
banking, chain banking, mixed banking. Functions of a commercial bank: Primary
functions - Accepting of deposits – different types of deposits – savings deposits, current
deposits, fixed deposits, recurring deposits, Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account
(BSBDA), Current Account Savings Account (CASA), certificate of deposits; Lending of
funds – different methods – direct loans, cash credit, overdraft, discounting of bills;
Ancillary Services / Subsidiary Functions: Agency services, general utility services.
Principles of commercial banking/ Principles of lending. Credit creation by commercial
banks: primary deposits and derived deposits, the technique of credit creation, credit
contraction, limitations of credit creation.

2. Central Banking: Definition of a central bank, the origin of Reserve Bank of India,
nationalization of RBI, functions of RBI – the issue of currency, principles, and systems of
note – issue, RBI as currency authority; RBI as a banker, agent, advisor and debt manager to
Government, RBI’s financial assistance to Central and State Governments – ways and
means advances, overdraft; central bank as bankers’ bank -regulation and supervision of
banks by RBI; Reserve Bank as custodian of foreign exchange reserves of the country;
the developmental role of RBI; Instruments of Monetary Policy: Quantitative techniques of
credit control – Bank Rate Policy, operation, and limitations of Bank Rate Policy, Open
Market Operations (OMO) – objectives, method of operation by RBI, limitations of
OMO, Variable Reserve Requirement – Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory
Liquidity Ratio (SLR); Qualitative methods of credit control- regulation of consumer
credit, a variation of margin requirements, moral suasion, rationing of credit.

3. Indian Commercial Banking- Pre- Liberalisation period: Formation of Imperial
Bank of India, Origin of State Bank of India and its associates, merging of associate banks
with SBI. Social Control over banks – circumstances leading to social control, aims and
objectives of the National Credit Council. Nationalization of commercial banks. Lead Bank
Scheme: Objectives, functions of Lead Bank, District Credit Plan. Concept of Service
Area Approach. Differential Rate of Interest Scheme – features of the scheme. Regional
Rural Banks – objectives, capital structure and management, problems and progress of
RRBs, merging of RRBs.

4. Indian Commercial Banking – Post Liberalisation: Post-liberalisation banking in
India – major recommendations of the Narasimham Committee on Financial System,
Narasimham Committee on Banking Sector Reforms. The entry of new generation banks.
Mergers and acquisitions in the banking sector. Local Area Banks: Features. Differentiated
banks: Payment Banks and Small Finance Banks – permitted business. Financial
Inclusion: Concept, RBI and NABARD initiatives for financial inclusion.

5. Banking Legislation in India: Banking Regulation Act, 1949 with latest amendments
– objectives, the definition of banking, banking company, approved securities, Demand and
Time Liabilities (DTL), permitted and prohibited business of a banking company,
regulation of voting rights of shareholders, restriction as to payment of dividend, reserve
the fund, licensing of banking companies, power of inspection, an audit of bank accounts,
acquisition of banking companies, an amalgamation of banking companies, winding up of a
banking company.

6. Practices of Banking: Banker and Customer – general and special relationship
between a banker and customer, obligations of banker – honoring of cheques,
maintaining the secrecy of customers’ accounts, garnishee order, consequences of wrongful
dishonor of cheques, stop payment of cheques; rights of a banker- right of general lien,
right of set-off, banker’s right of appropriation (Clayton’s rule). Banking Ombudsman –
objectives, nature of complaints dealt by Ombudsman. Types of customers – operation
and closing of different types of bank accounts, special types of bank customers, Accounts
of Non-Resident Indians; Joint accounts, accounts of partnership firms, joint-stock
companies, clubs, and associations.

7. Law relating to Negotiable Instruments: Characteristics of negotiability, types and
features of negotiable instruments – bill of exchange, promissory notes, and cheques.
Bank drafts, pay orders. Endorsement of negotiable instruments – legal significance, kinds
of endorsements. The crossing of cheques – the significance of crossing, types of crossing,
marking of cheques. Collecting banker – legal status, statutory protection, duties. Paying
Banker – dishonor of cheques, statutory protection, payment in due course, holder and
holder in due course. Modes of charging securities – lien, pledge, hypothecation,
mortgage – kinds of a mortgage; Guarantee and indemnity – rights and duties of the guarantor.

8. Agriculture and Micro Finance by banks: Types of agricultural credit – short term,
medium term, long term, crop loans; Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme – Objectives/
purpose, eligibility, features. Lending to priority sectors – categories, targets, and sub-targets. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) – financial,
developmental and supervisory role. Microfinance – concept, and significance, Linking of
Self Help Groups (SHG) and banks.

9. Technological Advances in Banking: Payment and Settlement System of RBI -
Concepts of electronic banking, Electronic Clearing Services (ECS), Real-Time Gross
Settlement (RTGS), National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT), Immediate Payment
Service (IMPS), Indian Financial System Code (IFSC), Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
card, debit card, credit card, RuPay card, internet banking, mobile banking, digital
banking, digital signature, digital certificate, digital wallet, Cash Deposit Machine
(CDM), Cheque Truncation System (CTS), cashless payment system, cashless economy;
International Payment System - Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial
Telecommunication (SWIFT).

10. Recent Trends in Indian Banking: Credit Rating of banks: CAMELS Rating.
Capital Adequacy Ratio – Tier I & Tier II capital, Risk-Weighted Assets, Capital to
Risk-Weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR). Non-Performing Assets (NPA) of banks –
Classification of Standard, Substandard, doubtful and loss assets, provisioning for
NPAs. Concepts of Securitisation, Reconstruction and Security Interest
Enforcement under SARFAESI Act, 2002. Pradhan Mantri Social Security
Schemes implemented through banks - Rules for Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima
Yojana (PMSBY), Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY)’ Atal
Pension Yojana (APY).


 Hardware
o Input Devices (Names and uses)
o Output Devices (Names and uses/features)
o Memory devices - Primary and Secondary (Examples, Features)

 Software
o Classification – System software and Application software
o Operating System – Functions and examples
o Popular Application software packages – Word processors, Spreadsheets, Database packages, Presentation, Image editors (Uses, features and fundamental concepts of each)
o Basics of programming – Types of instructions (Input, Output, Store, Control transfer) (Languages need not be considered)

 Computer Networks
o Types of networks – LAN, WAN, MAN (Features and application area)
o Network Devices – Media, Switch, Hub, Router, Bridge, Gateway (Uses of each)

 Internet
o Services – WWW, E-mail, Search engines (Examples and purposes)
o Social Media (Examples and features)
o Web Designing – Browser, HTML (Basics only)

 Cyber Crimes and Cyber Laws
o Types of crimes (Awareness level)
o IT Act and Other laws (Awareness level)


NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above, questions from other topics prescribed for the educational qualification of the post may also appear in the question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics above may be covered in the question paper

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