
1. The average of 14, 11, 8, x, 19 is 13. The value of x is ______ 
(A) 52 
(B) 12 
(C) 16 
(D) 13 

2. Which is the largest among the following? 3/4,5/8,9/13,5/9 
(A) 5/8 
(B) 3/4 
(C) 5/9 
(D) 9/13 

3. If 81 = 9, then 0.81 + 0.0081 = ______ 
(A) 0.99 
(B) 9.9 
(C) 0.099 
(D) 0.0099 

4. If a : b = 2 : 3, b : c = 4 : 5, then a : b : c = ______ 
(A) 4 : 3 : 5 
(B) 2 : 4 : 5 
(C) 8 : 12 : 15 
(D) 8 : 10 : 20 

5. If 20% of a number is 140, then 16% of that number is _____ (A) 120 
(B) 114 
(C) 110 
(D) 112 

6. 2a+b = 4 x 8 x 16, then (a + b)2 = ? 
(A) 81 
(B) 64 
(C) 512 
(D) 28 

7. If by selling an article for ` 360, Ramu gains 20%. Find the cost price. 
(A) 320 
(B) 300 
(C) 310 
(D) 380 

8. Simplify 2.6x 0.38 x 2.50/0.13 x 0.19 x 0.5 
(A) 200 
(B) 100 
(C) 300 
(D) 500

9. The value of 60.75x70.75 x (42)0.25 
(A) 55
(B) 49 
(C) 46 
(D) 42 

10. If the perimeter of a cube is 40 cm, its area is ....... 
(A) 100 
(B) 160 
(C) 150 
(D) 200 

11. Code for GATE is ETAG, then the code for SLATE will be 

12. Arjun walks 2 kms northwards and then he turns right and moves 3 kms. He again turns right and goes 2 kms and turns his left and starts walking. In which direction he is walking now? 
(A) South 
(B) East 
(C) North 
(D) None of these 

13. Raj can do a piece of work in 5 hours. Hari and Siva can do it in 3 hours. Raj and Siva can do it in 4 hours. How long will Hari take to do it? 
(A) 6 hours 
(B) 4 hours 
(C) 3 hours 
(D) 5 hours 

14. How many words can be formed from 'INDEPENDENCE' without changing the order of letters and using each letter only once? 
(A) 5 
(B) 3 
(C) 6 
(D) 2 

15. Pointing to a woman a man said: "Her father is the only son of my father." How is the man related to the woman? 
(A) Son
(B) Father 
(C) Brother 
(D) Grandfather 

16. The average of seven consecutive numbers is 26. The largest among these is 
(A) 30 
(B) 27 
(C) 29 
(D) 28 

17. Rekha is taller than Asha. Deepa is as tall as Priti. Supriya is shorter than Veena. Sita is taller than Asha. Veena is shorter than Deepa. Who is the shortest? 
(A) Asha 
(B) Veena 
(C) Supriya 
(D) Deepa 

18. The cow is related to Calf in the same way as Kangaroo is related to  
(A) Kit 
(B) Cub 
(C) Fawn 
(D) Joey 

19. Find the missing number in the series 5, 10, 17, ....., 37, 50, 65 
(A) 25 
(B) 26 
(C) 27 
(D) 28 

20. In a row of boys Manu who is 8th from the left and Siju who is 9th from the right interchange their seats. Now Manu becomes 15th from left. How many boys are there in the row? 
(A) 17 
(B) 22 
(C) 23 
(D) 24 

21. Iodine is used to detect which of the following constituents of food? 
(A) Starch 
(B) Glucose 
(C) Fats 
(D) Protein 

22. Who discovered Penicillin in 1928? 
(A) Edward Jenner 
(B) Alexander Fleming 
(C) Gregor Mendel 
(D) Louis Pasteur 

23. Which is the lightest metal? 
(A) Calcium 
(B) Barium 
(C) Lithium 
(D) Sodium 

24. The instrument which converts sound to electric signal is ______ 
(A) Loudspeaker 
(B) Stethoscope 
(C) Megaphone 
(D) Microphone 

25. The non-metal which is in a liquid state at atmospheric temperature. 
(A) Bromine 
(B) Mercury 
(C) Galium 
(D) Cesium 

26. Which of the following instruments is used for measuring atmospheric pressure ? 
 (A) Thermometer 
(B) Barometer 
(C) Sonometer 
(D) Spectrometer 

27. The nitrogen base which is not present in DNA is ........... 
(A) Adenine 
(B) Thymine 
 (C) Guanine 
(D) Uracil 

28. Which of the following diseases is not a bacterial disease? 
 (A) Tuberculosis 
(B) Tetanus 
 (C) Chicken-pox 
(D) Anthrax 

29. The part of the brain which helps the body balance. 
(A) Cerebrum 
(B) Cerebellum 
(C) Thalamus 
(D) Medulla oblongata 

30. "Calcium hydroxide" is the chemical name of.......... 
(A) Caustic soda 
(B) Caustic potash 
(C) Milk of lime 
(D) Milk of Magnesia 

31. The 2017 Asia Cup Women Hockey Champion? 
(A) China 
(B) Japan 
(C) India 
(D) Pakistan 

32. Who among the following is recently appointed as the goodwill ambassador of UNICEF? 
(A) Christian Davis 
(B) Lilly Singh 
(C) Seema Varma 
(D) Musun-Al-Mellahan 

33. The winner of the Dada Saheb Phalke Award 2016 ? 
(A) Raj Kumar 
(B) K. Vishwanath 
(C) Kamal Hassan 
(D) Amitabh Bachchan 

34. Who is the Miss Universe of 2017? 
(A) Karen Ebasca 
(B) Manushi Chillar 
(C) Demi Le Nel Peters 
(D) Priyanka Chopra 

35. The first underwater rail tunnel in India is constructed under which river? 
(A) Hugli 
(B) Mahanadi 
(C) Narmada 
(D) Yamuna 

36. Who is the author of the book, 'The Quest For A World Without Hunger'? 
(A) Amatrya Sen 
(B) Dr. M.S. Swaminathan 
(C) Salman Rushdie 
(D) Arundhati Roy 

37. The winner of Nobel Prize for Economics in 2017 
(A) Bari Barish 
(B) Kasuvo Ishiguro 
(C) Jokim Frank 
(D) Richard Thailor 

38. Which of the following harbor in the Indian Ocean has recently been transferred to China by Sri Lanka? 
(A) HumbenThotta 
(B) Trincomalee 
(C) Galle 
(D) Beruvala 

39. Who is the new Chairman of National Scheduled Tribes Commission ? 
(A) Vikas Swaroop 
(B) Nandakumar Sai 
(C) Sandeep Jajodiya 
(D) Vikram Lilmaye

40. Who is the new President of Liberia? 
(A) Nana Akufo Ado 
(B) Sheik Rafeeque Muhammed 
(C) Susan Keefal 
(D) George Weah 

41. First Digital State of India 
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Gujarat 
(C) Bengal 
(D) Kerala 

42. Uri Dam is constructed across the river 
 (A) Jhelum 
(B) Chenab 
(C) Ravi 
(D) Beas 

43. Government of India decided to demonetize ` 500 and ` 1000 Currency notes with effect from 
(A) 5th November, 2016 
(B) 8th November, 2016 
(C) 5th December, 2016 
(D) 8th December, 2016 

44. Who is regarded as the official historian of Indian National Congress? 
(A) J.B. Kripalani 
(B) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 
(C) Pattabhi Sitharamayya 
(D) Gopala Krishna Gokhale 

45. Who was the Governor-General of India during the Revolt of 1857? 
 (A) Lord Canning 
(B) Lord Rippon 
(C) Lord Dalhousie 
(D) Lord Curzon 

46. The Indian Struggle is the autobiography of 
(A) C.R. Das 
(B) Chandrasekhar Azad 
(C) Bipin Chandra Pal 
(D) Subhash Chandra Bose 

47. The President of India who announced the Emergency of 1975 
(A) V.V. Giri 
(B) Dr. Zakir Hussain 
(C) Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed 
(D) Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy 

48. The Supreme Court of India was started functioning from 
(A) 1950 January 26 
(B) 1950 January 28 
(C) 1951 January 26 
(D) 1951 January 28 

49. Who founded the East India Association ? 
(A) Gopala Krishna Gokhale 
(B) Aurobindo Ghosh 
(C) Surendranath Bannerjee 
(D) Dadabhai Naoroji 

50. Founder of Arya Samaj 
(A) Raja Rammohan Roy 
(B) Swami Vivekananda 
(C) Swami Dayananda Sarasw 
 (D) Kesab Chandra Sen 

51. Pathiramanal Island is situated in 
(A) Ashtamudi Lake 
(B) Vembanad Lake 
(C) Kodungalloour Lake 
(D) Sasthamkotta Lake 

52. The ditsrict Malappuram was formed in 
(A) 1956 
(B) 1957 
(C) 1969 
(D) 1972 

53. Veenapoovu of Kumaranasan was first published in the Newspaper 
(A) Malayali 
(B) Mithavadi 
(C) Vivekodayam 
(D) Swadesabhimani 

54. Who among the following Malayalees got Padmavibhooshan in 2017? 
(A) Parassala B. Ponnammal 
(B) K.J. Yesudas 
(C) Akkitham Achyuthan Nambudiri 
(D) Chemancheri Kuniraman Nair 

55. Who among the following was the first Chief Justice of the High Court of Kerala? 
(A) Justice P. Govinda Menon 
 (B) Justice Anna Chandi 
(C) Justice K. Sankaran 
(D) Justice K.T. Koshi 

56. Who is the founder of Atmavidya Sangham? 
(A) Vagbhadanandan 
(B) Brahmananda Siva Yogi 
(C) Dharma Dheeran 
(D) Sree Narayana Guru 

57. The women activist who is popularly known as the Jhansi Rani of Travancore 
(A) A.V. Kuttimalu Amma 
(B) Akkamma Cheriyan 
(C) Rosamma Punnus 
(D) Anna Chandi 

58. Who among the following is known as Kerala Vyasan ? 
 (A) Vallathol Narayana Menon 
(B) Kerala Varma Valiakoyi Thampuran 
(C) Vennikkulam Gopala Kurupu 
(D) Kodungallur KunhikkuttanThampuran 

59. Who among the following was the volunteer Captain of Guruvayoor Satyagraha? 
(A) Mannathu Padmanabhan 
(B) A.K. Gopalan 
(C) K. Kelappan 
(D) T.K. Madhavan 

60. Who started the newspaper the Al-Ameen in 1924 ? 
(A) Vakkom Abdul Khadar Maulavi 
(B) Thangal Kunju Musliyar 
(C) Yakkub Hazan 
(D) Muhammad Abdul Rahman Sahib 

61. In which year the Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) was enacted in India?
(A) 1967 
(B) 1985 
(C) 1995 
(D) 2002 

62. The Vice-President 
(A) can be a member of either House of Parliament or a member of any State Legislature. 
(B) cannot be a member of either House of Parliament or a member of any State Legislature. 
(C) can be a member of House of Parliament but cannot be a member of any State Legislature. 
(D) cannot be a member of House of Parliament but can be a member of any State Legislature. 

63. The Nintey-Ninth Constitutional Amendment Act 
(A) provides for the formation of a National Judicial Appointments Commission. 
(B) provides Right to Education until the age of fourteen. 
(C) implements Goods and Services Tax Act. 
(D) enable the Parliament to dilute Fundamental Rights. 

64. The Election Commission of India was formed on 
(A) 15th August 1948 
(B) 26th November, 1949 
(C) 25th January 1950 
(D) 26th January 1951 

65. The Prime Minister who led the first minority government in India 
(A) Indira Gandhi 
(B) A.B. Vajpayee
(C) Deva Gowda 
(D) V.P. Singh 

66. The landmark case in which the Supreme Court upholds Right to Privacy as a Fundamental Right 
(A) K.S. Puttaswamy Vs Union of India 
 (B) Kesavananda Bharathi Vs State of Kerala 
(C) Maneka Gandhi Vs Union of India 
(D) Prashant Bhushan Vs Union of India 

67. The Sachar Committee is related to which of the following? 
(A) Equal opportunities 
(B) Center-State relations 
(C) Freedom of Press 
(D) Electoral reforms 

68. The Chairman of the Parliamentary Consultative The committee which recommended that panchayats be conferred a constitutional status 
(A) Balwant Rai Mehta 
(B) Ashok Mehta 
(C) Dr. L.M. Singhvi 
(D) P.K. Thungan 

69. Which amendment added the Ninth Schedule to the Constitution? 
(A) The First Amendment 
(B) The Third Amendment 
(C) The Seventh Amendment 
(D) The Ninth Amendment 

70. Instant Triple Talaq is now unconstitutional due to 
(A) the Supreme Court Judgment in Shah Bano Case 
(B) the Supreme Court Judgment in Shayara Bano Case 
(C) the passing of the Muslim Women Bill in Lok Sabha 
(D) All of the above 

71. Identify the correct spelling from those given below : 
(A) symmetery 
(B) symmetry 
(C) symtery 
(D) symetery 

72. Fill in the blank space with the correct phrasal verb: "When the bomb ______ everyone ran helter-skelter." 
(A) put off 
(B) fall out 
(C) went off 
(D) sorted out 

73. Identify the antonym of the underlined word: "The young gallant, Lochinvar rode in on his steed." 
(A) coward 
(B) diffident 
(C) handsome 
(D) bold 

74. Substitute one word for the underlined phrase: He joined the College to study the branch of science that deals with the study of heavenly bodies." 
(A) Anthropology 
(B) Astrology 
(C) Archaeology 
(D) Astronomy 

75. Complete the proverb: "An idle mind is the ___ ." 
(A) abode of Gods 
(B) devil's workshop 
(C) route to failure 
(D) route to success 

76. Arrange the following words and phrases in the proper sequence to create a meaningful sentence : 1. plenty 2. there are 3. of fish 4. in the river 
(A) 2,1, 3, 4 
(B) 1, 3, 2, 4 
(C) 2, 3, 4, 1 
(D) 1, 2, 3, 4 

77. Fill in the blank with the correct tense form: "John and his friend _____ for ten minutes." 
 (A) is gossiping 
(B) has been gossiping 
(C) are gossiping 
(D) have been gossiping 

78. Fill in the blank spaces with suitable articles : "_____ Rajdhani is one of ____ grandest trains in India." 
(A) a, a 
(B) a, the 
(C) the, the 
(D) the, a 

79. What is the term used to describe a group of fish ? 
(A) School 
(B) Covey 
(C) Mob
 (D) Battalion 

80. Fill in the blank space with a suitable answer from those given below: "Either my shoes or your coat ____ always on the floor." 
(A) are 
(B) is 
(C) be 
(D) were 

91. The brain of a Computer System is 
(A) Arithmetic and Logic Unit 
(B) Central Processing Unit 
(C) Peripheral Devices 
(D) Control Unit 

92. An input device that interprets pencil/pen marks on paper media is 
(A) Optical Mark Reader 
(B) Punch Card Reader 
(C) Optical Scanners 
(D) Plotters 

93. The term phishing is 
(A) An attempt for unauthorized access to a user's system by pretending to be the user. 
(B) An attempt to obtain sensitive information from the computers system. 
(C) The process of sending the same message to a large number of internet users. 
 (D) None of the above. 

94. IT Act in India was amended in 
(A) 2004 
(B) 2006 
(C) 2011 
(D) 2008 

95. "url" stands for 
(A) Uniform Resource Locator 
(B) Universe Reform Locator 
(C) Uniform Reform Locator 
(D) Universe Resource Locator 

96. Which of the following programming language is classified as low-level language? 

97. DES stands for 
(A) Digital Evaluation System 
(B) Digital Encryption System 
(C) Digital Encryption Standard 
 (D) Digital Evaluation Standard 

98. The program that monitors users activity on internet and transmit that information in the background to somewhere else is termed as 
(A) Spyware 
(B) Adware 
(C) Malware 
(D) Firmware 

99. The process of recovering deleted and damaged files from criminal's computers come under : 
(A) Computer Animation 
(B) Computer Graphics 
(C) Computer Forensics 
(D) Computer Organisation 

100. HTML is an acronym for 
(A) Hyper Text Machine Language 
(B) Hyper Transfer Machine Language 
(C) Hyper Text Markup Language 
(D) Hyper Transfer Markup Language


1(D) 2(B) 3(A) 4(C) 5(D) 

6(A) 7(B) 8(A) 9(D) 10(X) 

11(A) 12(B) 13(X) 14(X) 15(B) 

16(C) 17(X) 18(D) 19(B) 20(C) 

21A) 22(B) 23(C) 24(D) 25(A)

26(B) 27(D) 28(C) 29(B) 30(C) 

31(C) 32(B) 33(B) 34C) 35(A) 

36(B) 37(D) 38(A) 39(B) 40(D) 

41(D) 42(A) 43(B) 44(C) 45(A) 

46(D) 47(C) 48(B) 49(D) 50(C) 

51(B) 52(C) 53(B) 54(B) 55(D) 

56(A) 57(B) 58(D) 59(B) 60(D) 

61(D) 62(B) 63(A) 64(C) 65(D) 

66(A) 67(A) 68(D) 69(A) 70(B) 

71(B) 72(C) 73(A) 74(D) 75(B) 

76(A) 77(D) 78(C) 79(A) 80(B) 

91(B) 92(A) 93(B) 94(D) 95(A) 

96(D) 97(X) 98(A) 99(C) 100(C).

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